What Does the Health-Care Reform Law Mean for You?
The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act
(ACA), otherwise referred to as Obamacare was signed into law in 2010, and
upheld by the U.S. Supreme Court last week has made sweeping reforms to
health-care coverage in the United
States. Many provisions of the law are already in effect. A number of other provisions are scheduled to take effect in years to come including the requirement that most Americans and legal residents have qualifying health insurance with some exceptions, or pay a penalty in the form of a tax.
The following is a summary of the more important provisions that are already in place, and those that are on their way by 2014.
In effect now
Children can no longer be denied
insurance coverage because of pre-existing conditions;
Payment of $250 rebate to Medicare Part
D beneficiaries subject to the coverage gap (beginning January 1, 2010) and
gradually reducing the beneficiary coinsurance rate in the coverage gap from
100% to 25% by 2020;
Insurers will not be able to impose
lifetime caps on insurance coverage;
All plans offering dependent coverage
will be required to allow children to remain under their parents' plan until
age 26;
Insurers cannot cancel or deny coverage
if you are sick except in cases of fraud;
Adults with pre-existing conditions
will be able to buy coverage from temporary high-risk pools until 2014, when
coverage cannot otherwise be denied for pre-existing conditions.
Key provisions
effective on or before January 1, 2014
Increasing the medical expense income
tax deduction threshold to 10% of adjusted gross income, up from the current
7.5% (January 1, 2013);
Increasing the Medicare Part A tax rate
by 0.9% on wages over $200,000 for individuals ($250,000 for married couples),
and assessing a new 3.8% tax on some or all of the net investment income for
these higher-income individuals (January 1, 2013);
All Americans must carry health
insurance or face a penalty (in the form of a tax) of up to 2.5% of household
income on individuals, with exceptions for economic hardship, religious
beliefs, and other situations (January 1, 2014);
Adults with pre-existing conditions
cannot be denied coverage or have their insurance cancelled due to pre-existing
conditions (January 1, 2014);
A requirement that states establish an
American Health Benefit Exchange that facilitates the purchase of qualified
health plans and includes an Exchange for small businesses; also requires
employers that contribute toward the cost of employee health insurance to
provide free choice vouchers to qualified employees for the purchase of
qualified health plans through Exchanges (January 1, 2014);
Tax credits will be available to
qualifying families to offset the cost of health insurance premiums (January 1,
Employers with more than 50 employees
must offer health insurance for their employees or be fined per employee
(January 1, 2014);
Imposing taxes or fees on health
insurance providers and drug companies, while doctors and hospitals will
receive less compensation from government sources (January 1, 2014).
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