So you go to a restaurant, hotel, car wash, spa etc... and you do not get the level of service you expects so you decide that you should tip less, very little or no leave no tip at all. Every customer who enters a business should always receive a 5 star treatment, but unfortunately as human being we do not not always feel 100% well, and you as a customer may not feel always great 100% of the time.
Of course, it’s not right for someone to take out their bad day on the employees or business owners, as the root of a customer's problem may not be an issue they are having where they're doing business at. They just happen to be there and they are going to take their frustration out on someone at the business.
Nonetheless when you decide to not tip someone or leave a little tip because a human being was not feeling 100% right that day that will affect him/her financially. There is nothing he/she can do as you have the power to decide how much you pay the service person. Keep in mind that people who receive tips get a meager salary and the bulk of their income is from tips they receive from happy clients.
You are basically their income provider, the same way your employer pays you. So each time someone is not doing their best day and you pay them accordingly to the level of service you receive, you should be thinking of yourself and remember all those days you did not arrive on time, that you were late, you called sick and left your co-workers in limbo and they had to work harder that day to compensate because you did not show up. Maybe your company missed a deadline as a result.
Think about those days you did not feel well and did not produce as much as when you feel great. Remember when you spent too much time at the coffee machine or took longer breaks. Remember when you did not speak to a customer correctly. Remember when you were not nice or courteous or even thankful to a customer. You probably remember that you've had many of those days.
So now imagine each time you've not performed your job correctly if your employer had told you: Today you were not good today, so I am going to pay you 50% of your normal pay". Or how about "Today you were good so I am not paying you at all because a customer complained about you".
Isn't that what you do to service people? If you do it that means you are doing the right thing, thus an employer should be entitled to do the exact same thing.
So now you hopefully realize how lucky you are to be able to get paid the same money by your employer, whether you mess up or not, whether you show up on time or not, whether you call sick or not, whether a customer complain or not, whether you meet a deadline or not, because many people in the service industry get punished by you when they have a bad day and you leave them a small time or nothing.
Unhappiness is the ultimate form of self-indulgence. When you're unhappy, you get to pay a lot of attention to yourself. You get to take yourself oh so very seriously. People want to have indulgence but do not have any indulgence for others.
Please feel free to send me your comments, I'd love to hear about your thoughts.
Andre Plessis
AP Consulting
Restaurant & Hospitality Consulting
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