Today, sites like Trip Advisor and Yelp (among many others) are transforming the way service businesses operate.
Here's how it works: at first, a business might try to ignore the system, but then they notice their customers talking about the reviews and their competitors.You'll see many diners entering a restaurant while they review dishes on Yelp. Some will post an instant restaurant review on Foursquare.
Can you continue to ignore reviews or let your competition excel while you keep providing average food or service? Probably not because today everybody is online and uses social media. There is nothing you can stop. You're in or you're out. You live or you die!
The only alternative? Amazing and flawless service. Memorable dining experience. When the guests leave they will only remember how you make them feel. And if you accomplish just that, they will be your raving fans, your advocates. Working with customers in such an extraordinary way that people feel compelled to talk about it, post about it, and yes, review it. It's not an accident that some companies are among the highest rated in your industry.
They didn't do it with the perfect building or sumptuous suites. They did it by intentionally being remarkable at service. Amplifying stories causes the stories that are built to change. Ignore the web and you'll be punished. Ignore follow ups with your guests and you'll be punished. Ignore social media and you'll be punished. Ignore their needs and you'll be left out.
The web changes everything it touches, sometimes in significant ways. Travelers ranted about poor service for a generation, but once the internet makes it easy to rank and sort and connect, the service has no choice but to change. Some businesses see Yelp and others as a tax, a burden they have to pay attention to in order to stay relevant, and they grumble about it. Others see these sites as the opportunity of a lifetime, a chance to deliver service to get distance yourself from the increasing competition.
If you want to stay in business, or stay ahead of your competition, you must deliver an unparalled service that guests will remember and talk about to everyone they know. And believe me, they will.
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